FREE Sports Physicals are held in July, at the high school cafeteria.
The FREE athletic physicals will be conducted on Tuesday, July 23rd from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the High School Cafeteria. Any student who will be in grades 7th through 12th and plans on playing interscholastic sports MUST have a physical. The physical is good for all seasons. There is no cost for the physical and this will be offered only on this date. If a student does not make this date, they will have to get a physical from their family doctor or Urgent Care.
A flyer and physical packet will be mailed to all district-registered students in 7th-12th grade. Students must bring the completed form with all sections filled out and signed by their parent/guardian. The doctors will not see a student if the packet is not signed by the parent/guardian. If anyone misplaces the packet, there will be copies in the front office and extra copies on the physical date.
Click Here for current sports schedules.