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Home Learning Experience (HLE)
To ELA 10 and ELA 11 students/ parents/guardians,
I hope you are all doing well. I miss you!
Mr. Kelman
Here are the concluding assigments for the 3rd marking period.
Please have this work completed by 3 pm on 4/3/2020.
All lessons are alligned with grade appropriate common core standards and what we have been studying in class.
If you need hard copies of these assignments please email msdpacket@mv.org.
English 10
Log on to Study Island and Complete Conclusions, Inferences and Generalizations in Nonfiction. Here is the direct link:
Please complete by 4/3 for a total of 20 questions. Each question has a separate module to read. Take your time.
Log on to Study Island and complete Genres in Nonfiction. Here is the direct link.
Please complete by 4/3 for a total of 20 questions. Each questions has a separate module to read.
This work will be graded for completion. If you need me to reset this or any prior scores, please email me at kkelman@mv.org
If you do not have internet access, please be aware that I made copies of the above lessons for completion. You must email me at kkelman@mv.org if you are doing the paper copies so we can arrange a way to verify completion of your work. If you are doing the paper copies, please annotate or "talk to the text" in the margins.
English 11
We will be doing relevant thematic work in the text Real World Literacy Skills. I have provided links to the work. The actual book Real World Literacy Skills is available too. Please do NOT write in it. Please contact the front office on how to get the actual book.
Please complete in the text, Real World Literacy Skills, Unit 6 Devotion page 141. The acutal work starts at the bottom of page 144 at the bottom of selection A. Gatsby is hopelessly devoted to Daisy, so let's explore the concept of devotion a little more indepth. Here is a link to the work. All work should be done on a separate sheet of paper with an MLA heading.
Please complete one selection a day as needed, completing all areas A-D. After three days, please complete the Unit Activities on page 156-157. On the fifth or six day, please choose and complete an indisciplinary project from page 157. All work will be graded for completion.
Please take a picture of your completed work or convert it to a PDF and email it to me by 3 pm 4/3/2020.
Please email me at kkelman@mv.org with any questipns. I check my email several times a day.
Mr. Kelman